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Why a second language must be introduced at a very young age?

29/01/2020 - Bilinguisme chez l'enfant


apprendre langue enfant jeune


Early childhood is the best time to learn a foreign language. Wondering why? Worried that he/she might forget his/her mother tongue, or that it might be too soon? We explain why learning a new language is easier from 3 years old and how to make it easier.

What is the best age to learn a second language?



The brain of children is fascinating, it is much more powerful than the adults ‘brain since it develops many learnings during this period. Babies listen and assimilate sounds before they even understand them, which is why a second language can even be taught to your child starting pregnancy.



From the age of 3, a child knows how to form groups of words and even begins to form complete sentences. He learns daily to speak his mother tongue: it is the right time to slip new words into his vocabulary.



It is therefore essential to introduce bilingualism in children on a daily basis, through babysitting in a foreign language for example. Right after school, a bilingual baby-sitter can awaken the little ones by pointing everyday objects and teaching them useful sentences. This is what our Baby-Speaking service offers!



Some parents fear that the little ones will not know how to distinguish between two languages, or even that the second will take over their native language. However, children are quite capable of assimilating them and both languages even feed each other!



If it is important to learn a second language between 3 and 6 years old, because from the age of 7 the brain has reached a threshold of maturation which no longer allows it to do so intuitively. It is no longer a language that he/she assimilates, but a "foreign tongue". All the difference is there!



The advantages of being fluent for children



As you can see, the sooner a foreign language is learned, the better it is assimilated. But why do you want your child to be bilingual? We give you the three main advantages of learning a new language from early childhood.


To develop cognitive skills



When the brain learns a new language, it has to juggle several symbols and develop its cognitive capacities.


These gymnastics allow him/her to create new connections that facilitate other learnings. It is then easier for the child to communicate, to focus, to understand and to memorize.


These abilities will be useful to him/her throughout his/her life and will even help him/her to learn new languages.



To open the child's mind to the world



To learn a foreign language to the child also means opening his/her mind to the rest of the world, through the contact of the babysitter.


Bilingualism therefore brings personal enrichment and greater tolerance for differences. Essential qualities in today’s world!


Children with facilities for learning new languages are more likely to travel. 



To prepare the child's future



Bilingual children have a real advantage over monolingual children, both for personal and professional reasons.


From college, two new languages are introduced into the school curriculum. Learning a second language will then be easier for a child that already has two mother tongues.


This asset will then serve him/her in high school and during graduate studies. He/she can then think of integrating a bilingual school, or even studying abroad.



Speaking multiple languages opens many doors. We all know that in the workplace, international profiles are considered to be more interesting ... And for good reason!



By choosing to teach your child a second language, you are also preparing their future.



Do you want to teach your child a new language?


Trust our bilingual baby-sitting service!




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