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I am looking for a bilingual nanny

Bed time stories

09/03/2016 - Activités enfants anglais

Mômji s’est toujours intéressé de près à l’évolution des enfants, leur croissance intellectuelle, leur manière de communiquer  avec le monde.



Bed time stories

Mômji has always been interested in the evolution of children, their intellectual growth, their way of communicating with the world.

Our expertise at Mômji is also based on the knowledge we have about pedagogy and if we know that there is one important thing in learning a language is the capture of sounds, words, by children and what is better for them than telling them stories? And why not in another language?


Explanation: Imagination holds an important place in the minds of children because it is a mechanism of anticipation and rationalization, their ability to make sense of what for the moment in their head is not. As an adult we do the same. As when we are presented with a situation we often say "I imagine", we see the scene, our brain brings details, elements that we do not have, the color of the walls of a room, the size of a chair, details that were not brought to you. The brain of a child like that of an adult has the ability to give order and meaning.


That is why when hearing a story, whether in his language or in a new language, the child will cling to the words he knows, will put them in relation and thus define and redefine the story until 'in time he understands it.


This ability that children have to be imaginative and creative is the same as that of their learning, which is why we propose to our nannies to really accompany the children in the field of the stories, and in a new language because it is to train them.


It is not a question here of losing them in complicated texts, but of introducing them to classic and simplified tales in which they can also extend their culture.


If you like the classics here are some adapted in bout'chou format.


This step completes the learning of a new language by your child, it is the possibility to make it familiar just like their mother tongue. It is also a fun and encouraging way that will make their pleasure and yours.


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