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I am looking for a bilingual nanny

Introducing a new language to your child

09/11/2018 -

Are you looking to help your child on their path to becoming bilingual? Here are a few ideas for activities to start the process comfortably for the child. It's important to reliase that a child can start learning two languages from birth!


Start with daily tasks 

Every day there are opportunitites to speak to your child in English. For example, while you are at dinner, use some short sentences to interact with your child like, "can you pass me the salt please".

Taking on a new language through rhyme

Sing some rhymes to your child, even if you think you don't have the best grasp of the foreign language.There are even some rhymes written for exactly this purpose! 



Taking on a new language through reading

Reading stories to your child is a great way to go alongside singing rhymes to develop their phonetics. Reading a simple story in English also helps the child's comprehension.


lecture en anglais

If you don't have an English book you can always find material online or at a local library!

Cartoons in English

As soon as they are old enough, suggest that your child reads cartoons in English. You can start with Dora the Explorer, a great simple level of English. For even younger kids, you could try videos from which have a great selection of categories that could interest your child.

Hopefully these few tips will be able to help you start teaching another language to your child, without disrupting the rythmn of their daily lives! 

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